quarta-feira, maio 06, 2009

Visualizing the Saxophone

I want to start in my first theme , talking about the myth , playing scale with the propose of know just the notes of the musical scale , without realize the extension of all the saxophone , For example:

Generally when we start to play the scale , it starts with the C low , then we go to the C 8 up or 2-8 up ,then go down “nicely” , then we finish on the C low again.

And we follow this pattern to all scales that we play , to know musical scales and etc.But when this happens we have the addiction to not approach the instrument when we study any scale.Then in the time to improvise we don’t see all the extension of the musical scale in the saxophone.In the example below I approach the C scale , starting by the loud note of the instrument , examples:

Then follow approaching by 8 in 8 notes.

The same example but in the F Scale:

Then follow to the high notes , play untill is more confortable to start , then after advance gradually to the “super high frequences”.

I remember one Guy that came to study with me , and as usual , I did many questions about his knowledge , and one question was: “play to me the A scale”.Promptly he start to play the ascendant scale.

Next I asked him to play from the loud note to the high note that He could from A scale., his lack of knowledge of all the extension of the instrument appears on the first low notes. If i ask Ab , or C# scales , for shure more trouble should come.

I want to emphasize the approach of scales in this phase , it should be a technical study , doesn´t matter the melodical sound! The melodical use of scales you study another time improvising with “play –backs”.This has some big technical advances , when we have to improvise we are not going to avoid some regions of the saxophone , opposite to that , this just will give us more options of creation.

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